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Home Learning Stories - Week Beginning 20th April 2020

Home Learning Stories - Week Beginning 20th April 2020


Polly - Great creative work everybody! It's lovely to see how much they have grown and kept themselves busy x

Ms Smith - Well done everyone! Amazing to see what the children have been up to. I love seeing all the wonderful learning! Stay safe and see you all soon.

Karessa - Oh my gosh! What a wide range of activities you all have taken part in, I’m loving the baking, colour exploring, arts and craft, beautiful writing, Purdy and Elvis’ butterflies and Fredericks and Winnies Shop! I’m feeling really proud of each and everyone of you, keep up the tremendous work! And well done to the parents too!
Keep well, keep safe and see you all soon xxx

Louis Harris - Bravo everyone! Keep up the brilliant work!

Miss Elliott - Wow what creative and fun projects happening at home! It's so nice to see so many familiar faces. Keep up the amazing work :)

Hannah Logue - Fantastic to see everyone doing so much brilliant work!! I am very impressed with the huge range of Science projects going on - Keep it up everyone and keep sharing your photos!

Lorraine Groom - Amazing work Lauriston children (and parents). I have learnt about the intricacies of a spider’s web, the inside of an eyeball and feel quite hungry looking at the delicious pizza. I can’t wait to see what the seeds produce....... Great work everyone!

Jorge Lopez - Another week packed with more amazing work, including some delicious food. Well done everyone!

Serena Brooks - Well done everyone - it's so wonderful to see all the brilliant creative learning going on at home!

Naomi Julian - I am loving seeing all the making, baking, experimenting, zooming, drawing, writing, creating and growing. It's funny trying to work out who some of the anonymous creators are!! Keep sharing your photos and keep well xx

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