Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Forest School and Outdoor Learning

Forest School

During Forest School sessions, children are encouraged to work with others to carry out activities such as den/shelter building, role play, exploration, practical and creative skills and tasks.

These sessions will be delivered by Miss Clare and Mrs Bird, who works across the Federation, and are trained Forest School Lead Teachers.

The sessions will take place on a Tuesday afternoon in the forest area in Victoria Park and on our school site. Children will be split into groups of 15 for the session.

Please ensure that your child has the following clothing to change into each session:

  • Outdoor shoes – walking boots, wellingtons or old pair of trainers
  • Warm socks
  • A warm coat – preferably waterproof
  • School jumper or fleece
  • School t-shirt
  • Trousers
  • Waterproof over-trousers if possible
  • An extra layer of clothing depending on the weather

The following year groups are taking part in Forest School this year:

  • Autumn Term – Year 2
  • Spring Term – Year 1
  • Summer Term – Reception

Forest School Highlights

Introduction to OPAL

OPAL stands for Outdoor Play and Learning and is a programme endorsed and supported by Sport England.

OPAL's mission statement is "To ensure that every schoolchild has an amazing playtime every day with no exceptions."

We aim to:

  • improve well-being
  • develop self-regulation
  • increase physical activity
  • aid social and emotional development
  • learn to manage risk
  • have FUN!

This programme is a journey that we're undertaking over the next 12-18 months with OPAL, developing the playground and play of the children.


Wish List

As we're working towards enjoying the outdoors and our play, no matter the weather we would be grateful for donations wet weather clothing that no longer fits your children:

  • wellies
  • water proof trousers
  • raincoats

Please bring to the main office any time!

Stay and Play

We love inviting you into our playground to play with your children and join us on this journey of developing our playground.


We would like to purchase some additional storage for our playground so we can have a larger variety of items available for the children to play with. If you would like to donate and help the school raise funds for this storage and other playground resources, please visit our Make a Donation page.

OPAL News and Letters

OPAL Newsletter - Spring 2022

Welcome to an action-packed Spring edition of the OPAL newsletter! It’s a little longer than usual as so much has happened since January that it’s been quite a task fitting it all in!

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22nd April 2022

OPAL Newsletter - Autumn 2021

The OPAL programme is an exciting journey that we're undertaking over the next 12-18 months with OPAL to develop the playground and play of the children.

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15th December 2021