Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

School Council

Lauriston School Council is up and running, Learning Mentors meet with the children weekly and Joannie Andrews one of our Local Authority Governors meets with the council on a regular basis.

The minutes from the School Council meetings are displayed in ‘The Street’ and are a regular item at Senior Leadership Team meetings.

At Lauriston School we have a very dedicated group of children that make up the School Council. They were democratically elected and had to perform speeches in front of the whole school as to why they would be the most suitable candidate.


The Lauriston School Council meets every two weeks to work on projects to improve the school. They are the link between the children and the teachers.

Our projects this year have included:

  • Leading breathing exercises in assembly and encouraging children to write compliment slips to each other during World Mental Health Week
  • Delivering an assembly and reading stories about friendship to classes across the school during Anti-Bullying Week
  • Fundraising for the school at the Winter Fair by running a sewing stall
  • Investigating how to improve lunch times by giving feedback on the menus, learning about the kitchen (thanks to a tour by the kitchen manager, Cliff), and helping in the lunch hall


We are currently researching and collecting data about the school community’s carbon footprints and how we can reduce them, and will be delivering an assembly to pupils this term to share our findings.

We would love parents and carers to get involved with this too! Please watch the following video to find out how: