Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Mission, Vision and Aims

Mission Statement

The Blossom Federation is made up of three primary schools - Daubeney, Sebright and Lauriston Schools - plus two Children's Centres, Daubeney and Sebright.  Collectively, we serve over 1,200 Hackney children and families and are proud of our provision in supporting their education and development. We want to prepare children for a successful future in a real world.


At Lauriston Primary School, in line with the other schools in our Federation, it is our aim to provide our children with a broad and exciting curriculum which gives them the skills, knowledge and learning to be prepared for their life ahead.

Children's early experiences are hugely important in forming a person.  We want our children to:

  • enjoy and show a curiosity to learn
  • to feel safe and secure in an environment which is high quality and well resourced
  • to have a high regard for staff and children's mental health and wellbeing
  • to reach their potential across the core areas and receive the support they need to achieve well
  • develop a range of skills and have experiences which mean they are confident and ready for the future
  • feel celebrated for their achievements
  • to appreciate diversity, difference and have strong global awareness as well as understanding of the school community


At Lauriston Primary School, in line with the other schools in our Federation, we aim to:

  • Provide good quality teaching experiences from committed and enthusiastic staff
  • Inspire those we teach through creative, exciting and memorable learning experiences
  • Enable children to reach their full potential in a rich and inclusive learning environment in which they feel secure,. valued and encouraged
  • Give children a love of learning and the confidence to express themselves
  • Instil respect, good manners, empathy and care in our children
  • Develop thoughtful and caring children who form their own views and who are proud of their school
  • Encourage children to respect and value our rich and diverse communities and in the world around them