Proud to be part of the
In partnership with
Proud to be part of the
In partnership with

Pupil Premium

Every child from Reception onwards, who has either been in Local Authority Care, or has been entitled to Free School Meals at any time in the last 6 years, is eligible for Pupil Premium funding. This funding is given directly to schools to provide additional resources and support to ensure that all children reach their potential. At Lauriston, we have 95 children eligible for funding and we use this funding for Learning Mentor support, in class Teacher Assistant support, external agency support, resources, training for staff on how to support this group of children best, as well as subsidies, if requested, of music lessons, trips, after school clubs and breakfast club for pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium.

Aims and Principles

  • We ensure that every child at Lauriston has equal access to all learning opportunities
  • Teaching and learning meets the needs of all pupils
  • Appropriate provision for all vulnerable pupils, this includes access to in-house Learning Mentors and external professionals as required
  • Pupil Premium interventions will be prioritised by the school and will be provided to support pupils to reach their individual potential
  • Pupil Premium Grant is used to part fund key interventions for vulnerable children and priority is given to children eligible for this grant