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Home Learning Stories - Week Beginning 13th April 2020

Home Learning Stories - Week Beginning 13th April 2020


Miss Wilson - It is absolutely wonderful to see so many pictures of the children's home-learning! There are lots of fantastically creative activities being enjoyed at home-thank you for sharing and continue to do so! Well done Lauriston, take care, Miss Wilson

Karessa - Wow! What wonderful effort everyone has been putting into home learning, I think you all deserve some GOLDEN TICKETS! It’s absolutely amazing, keep up the good work! See you all soon and stay safe!

Alison - Well done everyone!! I can see some great learning going on and wonderful creations being made.
Keep up the good work, you are all amazing.

Serena Brooks - Wow! It is fantastic to see all this amazing learning happening at home - I can't wait to see more! Well done to everyone.

Janet - Wow amazing work keep it up. Well done everyone!!!

Jorge Lopez - Wow, I am so impressed! It is so good to see that you are all having fun whilst learning at home. Well done!

Angie - It’s great to see all the fabulous activities that you’ve all been doing with your home schooling.
Keep sending the pictures as I look forward to seeing your happy faces.
Hope to see you soon.

Vicki Miller - So good to see all these lovely Pics! Well done Parents looks like you guys are smashing home schooling! good to see lots of smiling faces!

Sam Traies - The photos are totally adorable. What a pleasure to see all the work and fun that's been going on at home. Well done parents, carers and children - we're proud of you.

Sheila Symes - Wow!! You are inspired and inspiring. It is an absolute joy to see the range of activities you are including in your home learning. From the littlest to the biggest, you are amazing (and that includes you, parents and carers)!!!!

Mollie Flynn - I’m so impressed by all the amazing home learning that’s taking place everyday. A MASSIVE WELL DONE to all of the children, parents & carers and staff! You are ALL doing a brilliant job! Stay safe and hope to see you all soon.

Annabelle - Amazing to see such wonderful home learning activities! Keep sending’s lovely to see what you are all up to. Keep it up!
Stay safe everyone and see you soon

Teresa - So happy to see all the wonderful home schooling.
Amazing work..keep it up!
Take care, stay safe and see you all soon Teresa .

Arlene Adair - It really is so lovely to see you all working so hard and to see all the lovely artworks you are producing. I love the creative maths and science lessons. We are very proud of you all. Keep smiling.

Laura Smith - Wow! What wonderful learning you have all been doing. I can’t wait to see even more! It’s great to see all your smiling faces in the photos. Keep safe and see you soon!

Naomi Julian - It is lovely to see all those smiling faces and the exciting things you have been up to! Keep sending them. I've been busy teaching my own children - Yr1 and Yr7 - the Yr7 algebra is definitely giving my brain a workout!!!

Carina - So happy to see the children enjoying their home learning. Keep up the amazing work!

Daljeet K Panesar- Deputy Head - These photos are so lovely to see. It really cheers me up to see the children enjoying their home learning. Keep them coming and remember to stay safe. See you soon.

Miss Begum - It’s lovely to see lots of productive learning is taking place at home.

P.s Max - I see that arithmetic paper. Keep up the great work!!!

Michelle - What amazing learning you have all been doing!
I love all the beautiful arts and crafts, fantastic CC and science, and creative maths and literacy work. Also, the healthy truffles looked delicious!
Keep practising those amazing skills and stay healthy and safe.

Louis Harris - Head of School - Amazing to see what the children have been up to! Loving all the learning! Keep sending the pictures in and we’ll keep posting them! Sending my very best to all our fabulous families and children - stay well and we can’t wait to see you all again soon.

Lorraine - I am so enjoying seeing the exciting learning our families are doing at home. Keep busy, keep learning and keep sharing with us. Very best wishes to you all, Lorraine Groom School Business Manager

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